
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Baby feet applique

Nearly seven months ago, a friend gave birth to adorable twins, just gorgeous. My friend is a bit of a crafter herself and she makes beautiful quilts.  Between that and her numerous quilting friends, so I thought my friend is probably covered for baby quilts and the like.  I know my friend had made some bunting for the babies' arrival, so that ruled out my back-up plan of personalised bunting flags (damn you!!)
So, what was I going to do?  After a little while, a thought struck me - something appliqued!  I was a little nervous about this as my friend does beautiful applique but I figured I would give it a go and if it went pear-shaped, I'd just try something else.

The fabric used for the applique was some Saffron Craig fabric that I had purchased a few years ago but hadn't used yet.

Red Beetle Bugs fabric by Saffron Craig

I decided to do a baby feet applique on soft bath towels, a different colour towel for each baby.  I was pretty pleased with the end result, although doing the little toes was quite difficult.  I thought I was being fancy by using a variegated silky embroidery thread for the stitching, but if I could do a do-over, I would use a straight colour next time.

I think my friend was happily surprised when I finally caught up with her this week and gave her the towels.  And I got to cuddle her babies, win win!!!

Blue towel

Green towel

Blue towel, hanging

Green towel, hanging


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